知识图谱 | Links:
- Easy
- 175 Combine Two Tables
- 176. Second Highest Salary
- 181. Employees Earning More Than Their Managers
- 182. Duplicate Emails
- 183. Customers Who Never Order
- 196. Delete Duplicate Emails
- 197. Rising Temperature
- 511. Game Play Analysis I
- 512. Game Play Analysis II
- 577. Employee Bonus
- 584. Find Customer Referee
- 586. Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orderse
- 595. Big Countries
- 596. Classes More Than 5 Students
- 597. Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance Rate
- 603. Consecutive Available Seats
- 607. Sales Person
- 610. Triangle Judgement
- 613. Shortest Distance in a Line
- 619. Biggest Single Number
- 620. Not Boring Movies
- 627. Swap Salary
- 1050. Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times
- 1068. Product Sales Analysis I
- 1069. Product Sales Analysis II
- 1075. Project Employees I
- 1076. Project Employees II
- 1082. Sales Analysis I
- 1083. Sales Analysis II
- 1084. Sales Analysis III
- 1113. Reported Posts
- 1141. User Activity for the Past 30 Days I
- 1142. User Activity for the Past 30 Days II
- 1148. Article Views I
- 1173. Immediate Food Delivery I
- 1179. Reformat Department Table
- 1211. Queries Quality and Percentage
- 1241. Number of Comments per Post
- 1251. Average Selling Price
- 1280. Students and Examinations
- 1294. Weather Type in Each Country
- 1303. Find the Team Size
- 1322. Ads Performance
- 1327. List the Products Ordered in a Period
- 1350. Students With Invalid Departments
- 1378. Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier
- 1407. Top Travellers
- 1435. Create a Session Bar Chart
- 1484. Group Sold Products By The Date
- 1495. Friendly Movies Streamed Last Month
- 1511. Customer Order Frequency
- 1517. Find Users With Valid E-Mails
- 1527. Patients With a Condition
- 1543. Fix Product Name Format
- 1565. Unique Orders and Customers Per Month
- 1571. Warehouse Manager
- 1581. Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions
- 1587. Bank Account Summary II
- 1607. Sellers With No Sales
- 1623. All Valid Triplets That Can Represent a Country
- 1633. Percentage of Users Attended a Contest
- 1661. Average Time of Process per Machine
- 1667. Fix Names in a Table
- 1677. Product’s Worth Over Invoices
- 1683. Invalid Tweets
- 1693. Daily Leads and Partners
- 1729. Find Followers Count
- 1731. The Number of Employees Which Report to Each Employee
- 1757. Recyclable and Low Fat Products
- 1741. Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee
- Medium
- 177. Nth Highest Salary
- 178. Rank Scores
- 180. Consecutive Numbers
- 184. Department Highest Salary
- 534. Game Play Analysis III
- 550. Game Play Analysis IV
- 570. Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports
- 574. Winning Candidate
- 578. Get Highest Answer Rate Question
- 580. Count Student Number in Departments
- 585. Investments in 2016
- 602. Friend Requests II: Who Has the Most Friends
- 608. Tree Node
- 612. Shortest Distance in a Plane
- 614. Second Degree Follower
- 626. Exchange Seats
- 1045. Customers Who Bought All Products
- 1070. Product Sales Analysis III
- 1077. Project Employees III
- 1098. Unpopular Books
- 1107. New Users Daily Count
- 1112. Highest Grade For Each Student
- 1126. Active Businesses
- 1132. Reported Posts II
- 1149. Article Views II
- 1158. Market Analysis I
- 1164. Product Price at a Given Date
- 1174. Immediate Food Delivery II
- 1193. Monthly Transactions I
- 1204. Last Person to Fit in the Elevator
- 1205. Monthly Transactions II
- 1212. Team Scores in Football Tournament
- 1264. Page Recommendations
- 1270. All People Report to the Given Manager
- 1285. Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges
- 1308. Running Total for Different Genders
- 1321. Restaurant Growth
- 1341. Movie Rating
- 1355. Activity Participants
- 1364. Number of Trusted Contacts of a Customer
- 1393. Capital Gain/Loss
- 1398. Customers Who Bought Products A and B but Not C
- 1421. NPV Queries
- 1440. Evaluate Boolean Expression
- 1445. Apples & Oranges
- 1454. Active Users
- 1459. Rectangles Area
- 1468. Calculate Salaries
- 1501. Countries You Can Safely Invest In
- 1532. The Most Recent Three Orders
- 1549. The Most Recent Orders for Each Product
- 1555. Bank Account Summary
- 1596. The Most Frequently Ordered Products for Each Customer
- 1613. Find the Missing IDs
- 1699. Number of Calls Between Two Persons
- 1709. Biggest Window Between Visits
- 1715. Count Apples and Oranges
- 1747. Leetflex Banned Accounts
- Hard
- 185. Department Top Three Salaries
- 262. Trips and Users
- 569. Median Employee Salary
- 571. Find Median Given Frequency of Numbers
- 579. Find Cumulative Salary of an Employee
- 601. Human Traffic of Stadium
- 615. Average Salary: Departments VS Company
- 618. Students Report By Geography
- 1097. Game Play Analysis V
- 1127. User Purchase Platform
- 1159. Market Analysis II
- 1194. Tournament Winners
- 1194. Tournament Winners
- 1225. Report Contiguous Dates
- 1336. Number of Transactions per Visit
- 1369. Get the Second Most Recent Activity
- 1384. Total Sales Amount by Year
- 1412. Find the Quiet Students in All Exams
- 1479. Sales by Day of the Week
175 Combine Two Tables
select P.FirstName, P.LastName, A.city, A.State from Person as P Left join Address as A on p.PersonId = A.PersonId
176. Second Highest Salary
- 先查询出最高的工资,然后查询身高小于该值的最高工资
- 直接使用order…limit 1 offset 无法handle Null和并列第一的情况
Select Max(Salary) as SecondHighestSalary from Employee where Salary < (select MAX(Salary) from Employee)
select (
select distinct Salary
from Employee
order by Salary desc
limit 1 offset 1) as SecondHighestSalary
181. Employees Earning More Than Their Managers
- 表的内部比较:自连接根据两个条件inner join
- manager id = id 2. 工资大于manager salary
select a.Name as Employee from Employee a inner join Employee b on a.ManagerId = b.Id and a.Salary > b.Salary
- manager id = id 2. 工资大于manager salary
182. Duplicate Emails
- 找重复字段,group by, + having count > 1
select Email from Person group by Email having count(Email) > 1
183. Customers Who Never Order
- 用NOT IN找不在Order中的id
Select Name as Customers from Customers where Id NOT IN ( select distinct CustomerId from Orders )
196. Delete Duplicate Emails
- Delete +表的内部比较(自连接)
Delete p1 from Person p1, Person p2 where p1.Email = p2.Email and p1.Id > p2.Id
197. Rising Temperature
- 表的内部比较(自连接) + 使用DATEDIFF
select a.id from Weather a, Weather b where DATEDIFF(a.recordDate,b.recordDate) = 1 and a.Temperature> b.Temperature
511. Game Play Analysis I
Select player_id, MIN(event_date) as first_login
from Activity
group by player_id
512. Game Play Analysis II
- 先用自查询第一次登陆的时间,再提取其他的列
select player_id,device_id from Activity where (player_id,event_date) in ( select player_id,min(event_date) from Activity group by player_id )
577. Employee Bonus
- 要保留null: 注意left join, 并且判断 is null
select e.name, b.bonus from Employee e Left join Bonus b on e.empId = b.empId where b.bonus is null or b.bonus < 1000
584. Find Customer Referee
- 要保留null: 判断 is null
select name from customer where referee_id is null or referee_id <> 2
586. Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orderse
- group by + order + 取第一个
select customer_number from orders group by customer_number order by count(order_number) desc limit 1
595. Big Countries
select name, population, area
from World
where area > 3000000 or population > 25000000
596. Classes More Than 5 Students
- 注意排除duplicate
select class from courses group by class having count(distinct student)>=5
597. Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance Rate
- 多重考虑:distinct, count,if null
select round( IFNULL(count(distinct r.requester_id, r.accepter_id) / count(distinct f.sender_id, f.send_to_id) , 0), 2) as accept_rate from friend_request f, request_accepted r
603. Consecutive Available Seats
- 自连接
select distinct a.seat_id from cinema a, cinema b where a.free = '1' and b.free = '1' and ((a.seat_id = b.seat_id + 1) or (a.seat_id = b.seat_id - 1) )
607. Sales Person
- 先找RED做过的交易,用NOT IN取其它
select name from salesperson where sales_id not in ( select o.sales_id from orders o join company c on o.com_id = c.com_id where c.name = 'RED' )
610. Triangle Judgement
- case when
select *, case when x + y > z and y + z >x and x + z > y then 'Yes' else 'No' end as triangle from triangle
613. Shortest Distance in a Line
- 自连接,找差的绝对值的最小值
select min(abs(a.x - b.x)) as shortest from point a cross join point b where a.x != b.x
619. Biggest Single Number
- 子查询:先找出现一次的数;再找最大
- 注意子查询需要alias
select max(num) as num from (select num from my_numbers group by num having count(*) = 1) as T
620. Not Boring Movies
- 注意降序
select * from cinema where id % 2 != 0 and description != 'boring' order by rating desc
627. Swap Salary
update salary
set sex = if(sex = 'm', 'f','m')
1050. Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times
select actor_id, director_id
from ActorDirector
group by actor_id, director_id
having count(timestamp) >=3
1068. Product Sales Analysis I
select product_name, year, price
from Sales s
join Product p on s.product_id = p.product_id
1069. Product Sales Analysis II
select product_id, sum(quantity) as total_quantity
from Sales
group by product_id
1075. Project Employees I
select P.project_id, round(sum(E.experience_years )/ count(E.employee_id),2) as average_years
from Employee E join Project P on E.employee_id = P.employee_id
group by P.project_id
1076. Project Employees II
- 注意:可能有多个project有最大employee count
- 先找到最大count, 再做筛选
select project_id from Project group by project_id having count(employee_id) = (select count(employee_id) from Project group by project_id order by count(employee_id) desc limit 1)
1082. Sales Analysis I
- 先找到最高sales, 再做筛选
select seller_id from Sales group by seller_id having sum(price) = ( select sum(price) as total_price from Sales group by seller_id order by total_price desc limit 1 )
1083. Sales Analysis II
- group by 之后用sum(if xx, 1, 0)筛选品牌
select buyer_id from Sales s left join Product p on s.product_id = p.product_id group by buyer_id having sum(if(p.product_name='S8', 1, 0)) > 0 and sum(if(p.product_name = 'iPhone', 1, 0)) = 0
1084. Sales Analysis III
- group by 之后用having+两个条件
- sum(if xx, 1, 0)筛选日期,注意日期加引号
select p.product_id, p.product_name
from Sales s join Product p on s.product_id = p.product_id
group by s.product_id
having sum(if(sale_date > '2019-03-31', 1, 0)) = 0
and sum(if(sale_date < '2019-01-01', 1, 0)) = 0
1113. Reported Posts
- 先筛选日期, report
- 日期function:DATE_SUB(‘2019-07-05’, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
select extra as report_reason, count(distinct post_id) as report_count from Actions where action_date = DATE_SUB('2019-07-05', INTERVAL 1 DAY) and action='report' group by extra
1141. User Activity for the Past 30 Days I
- 先筛选日期
- 日期function:DATEDIFF(a, b) -> 求a-b
- 时间窗口<30
select activity_date as day, count(distinct user_id) as active_users from Activity where DATEDIFF('2019-07-27',activity_date) < 30 group by activity_date
1142. User Activity for the Past 30 Days II
- 先筛选日期
- 日期function:DATEDIFF(a, b) -> 求a-b
- 需要使用ifnull避免选不出来
select ifnull(round(count(distinct session_id)/count(distinct user_id),2),0) as average_sessions_per_user from activity where datediff("2019-07-27",activity_date)<30
1148. Article Views I
select distinct viewer_id as id
from Views
where author_id = viewer_id
order by viewer_id
1173. Immediate Food Delivery I
- 在sum中做逻辑判断
select round( sum(order_date=customer_pref_delivery_date) / count(*) ,4)*100 as immediate_percentage from Delivery
1179. Reformat Department Table
- 用case when then做判断,创造多列
SELECT id, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Jan' THEN revenue END) Jan_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Feb' THEN revenue END) Feb_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Mar' THEN revenue END) Mar_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Apr' THEN revenue END) Apr_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'May' THEN revenue END) May_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Jun' THEN revenue END) Jun_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Jul' THEN revenue END) Jul_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Aug' THEN revenue END) Aug_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Sep' THEN revenue END) Sep_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Oct' THEN revenue END) Oct_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Nov' THEN revenue END) Nov_Revenue, SUM(CASE month WHEN 'Dec' THEN revenue END) Dec_Revenue FROM Department GROUP BY id
1211. Queries Quality and Percentage
- if逻辑判断
select query_name, round(avg(rating/position),2) as quality, round(sum(if(rating < 3, 1, 0))/count(rating) *100, 2) as poor_query_percentage from Queries group by query_name
1241. Number of Comments per Post
- 自连接,需要保留Null行使用left/ right join
select post_id, count(distinct s.sub_id) as number_of_comments from Submissions s right join ( select distinct(sub_id) as post_id from Submissions where parent_id is null ) as p on p.post_id = s.parent_id group by p.post_id
1251. Average Selling Price
- 以多重条件Join
select p.product_id, round(sum(p.price * u.units)/ sum(u.units),2) as average_price from Prices p join UnitsSold u on p.product_id = u.product_id and u.purchase_date >=p.start_date and u.purchase_date <= p.end_date group by p.product_id
1280. Students and Examinations
- 使用cross join得到笛卡尔积
- 注意只有e.subject_name才会出现null值
select s.student_id, s.student_name, c.subject_name, ifnull(count(e.subject_name),0) as attended_exams from Students s cross join Subjects c left join Examinations e on s.student_id = e.student_id and c.subject_name= e.subject_name group by s.student_id, c.subject_name order by s.student_id, c.subject_name
1294. Weather Type in Each Country
- case when
- 注意使用month(date)提取月份
select country_name, case when avg(weather_state)>= 25 then 'Hot' when avg(weather_state)<= 15 then 'Cold' else 'Warm' end as weather_type from Countries c join Weather w on c.country_id = w.country_id where month(day) = 11 group by c.country_id
1303. Find the Team Size
- left join
- 子查询作为表进行join
select a.employee_id, b.team_size from Employee a left join (select team_id, count(employee_id) as team_size from Employee group by team_id) as b on a.team_id = b.team_id
1322. Ads Performance
- sum()中使用=逻辑判断
- ifnull()
select ad_id, ifnull(round(sum(action='Clicked')/(sum(action='Clicked') + sum(action='Viewed')) * 100,2) ,0) as ctr from Ads group by ad_id order by ctr desc, ad_id
1327. List the Products Ordered in a Period
- 提取日期, year(date), month(date)
select p.product_name, sum(o.unit) as unit from Products p join Orders o on p.product_id = o.product_id where year(o.order_date) = 2020 and month(o.order_date) = 2 group by p.product_name having sum(o.unit) >= 100
1350. Students With Invalid Departments
- 保留null, left join
- 确认null:is null
select s.id, s.name from Students s left join Departments d on s.department_id = d.id where d.name is Null
1378. Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier
- 保留null,left join
select u.unique_id, e.name from Employees e left join EmployeeUNI u on e.id = u.id
1407. Top Travellers
- 保留null,left join
- ifnull()
select u.name, ifnull(sum(r.distance),0) as travelled_distance from Users u left join Rides r on r.user_id = u.id group by r.user_id order by sum(r.distance) desc, u.name
1435. Create a Session Bar Chart
- 不可用case when:会丢失计数为0的项
- 使用union把所有可能性连接起来
select '[0-5>' as bin, count(*) as total from Sessions where duration>=0 and duration < 5*60 union select '[5-10>' as bin, count(*) as total from Sessions where duration>=5*60 and duration < 10*60 union select '[10-15>' as bin, count(*) as total from Sessions where duration>=10*60 and duration < 15*60 union select '15 or more' as bin, count(*) as total from Sessions where duration >= 15*60
1484. Group Sold Products By The Date
- group_concat: concate multiple rows of data into one field
select sell_date, count(distinct product) as num_sold, group_concat(distinct product) as products from activities group by sell_date
1495. Friendly Movies Streamed Last Month
- group_concat: concate multiple rows of data into one field
select distinct title from TVProgram t join Content c on t.content_id = c.content_id where Year(t.program_date) = 2020 and month(t.program_date) = 6 and c.Kids_content = 'Y' and c.content_type = 'Movies'
1511. Customer Order Frequency
- 多个having条件,用if构成
select c.customer_id, c.name from Customers c join Orders o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id join Product p on o.product_id = p.product_id where year(o.order_date) = 2020 group by o.customer_id having ( sum(if(month(o.order_date) = 6, o.quantity*p.price, 0)) >= 100 and sum(if(month(o.order_date) = 7, o.quantity*p.price, 0)) >= 100 )
1517. Find Users With Valid E-Mails
- 正则表达式
select * from Users where mail regexp '^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.\\-]*@leetcode\\.com$'
- ^ 以什么开头
- [] 可选集合
- 加号+ 匹配一次或多次
- 星号* 匹配0次或多次
- 双\\ 转义
- $ 结尾
1527. Patients With a Condition
- %字符串模糊匹配
select * from patients where conditions like 'DIAB1%' or conditions like '% DIAB1%'
1543. Fix Product Name Format
- 字符串处理:trim(), lower()
- 日期处理:DATE_FORMAT(xx, ‘%Y-%m’) Y4位年代,m数字月份,M英文月份
select product_name, sale_date, count(*) as total from (select lower(trim(product_name)) as product_name, DATE_FORMAT(sale_date, "%Y-%m") as sale_date from Sales) t group by product_name, sale_date order by product_name, sale_date
1565. Unique Orders and Customers Per Month
- 日期处理:DATE_FORMAT(xx, ‘%Y-%m’) Y4位年代,m数字月份,M英文月份
select month, count(distinct order_id) as order_count, count(distinct customer_id) as customer_count from (select DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y-%m') as month, order_id, customer_id from Orders where invoice > 20) t group by month
1571. Warehouse Manager
select w.name as warehouse_name, sum(p.Width * p.Length * p.Height * w.units) as volume
from Warehouse w join Products p on w.product_id = p.product_id
group by w.name
1581. Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions
- 先找交易过的id,再用not in排除
select customer_id, count(visit_id) as count_no_trans from Visits where visit_id not in ( select distinct visit_id from Transactions where amount > 0 ) group by customer_id
1587. Bank Account Summary II
select name, balance
(select u.name as name, sum(t.amount) as balance
from Users u join Transactions t on u.account = t.account
group by u.account) t
where balance > 10000
1607. Sellers With No Sales
- 子查询找到2020年卖过货的,再用not in筛选
select seller_name from Seller where seller_name not in (select seller_name from Seller s join Orders o on s.seller_id = o.seller_id where Year(o.sale_date) = 2020 ) order by seller_name
1623. All Valid Triplets That Can Represent a Country
- 多表选择,然后做排除
select a.student_name as member_A,
b.student_name as member_B,
c.student_name as member_C
from SchoolA a, SchoolB b, SchoolC c
where a.student_name <> b.student_name
and b.student_name <> c.student_name
and a.student_name <> c.student_name
and a.student_id <> b.student_id
and b.student_id <> c.student_id
and a.student_id <> c.student_id
1633. Percentage of Users Attended a Contest
select r.contest_id as contest_id, round(count(distinct r.user_id) / t.total_user*100,2) as percentage
from Register r, (select count(distinct user_id) as total_user from Users) t
group by r.contest_id
order by percentage desc, contest_id
1661. Average Time of Process per Machine
select machine_id,
round(sum(if(activity_type ='start', -timestamp, timestamp))/ count(distinct process_id) ,3) as processing_time
from Activity
group by machine_id
1667. Fix Names in a Table
select user_id,
concat(upper(substring(name, 1, 1)),lower(substring(name, 2))) as name
from Users
order by user_id
1677. Product’s Worth Over Invoices
select p.name, sum(i.rest) as rest, sum(i.paid) as paid, sum(i.canceled) as canceled, sum(i.refunded) as refunded
from Product p join Invoice i
on p.product_id = i.product_id
group by i.product_id
order by p.name
1683. Invalid Tweets
- char_length: return charater length of a string
select tweet_id
from Tweets
where char_length(content) >15
1693. Daily Leads and Partners
select date_id, make_name,
count(distinct lead_id) as unique_leads,
count(distinct partner_id) as unique_partners
from DailySales
group by date_id, make_name
1729. Find Followers Count
select user_id, count(follower_id) as followers_count
from Followers
group by user_id
order by user_id
1731. The Number of Employees Which Report to Each Employee
select m.employee_id, m.name, count(e.employee_id) as reports_count, round(avg(e.age),0) as average_age
from Employees e join Employees m
on e.reports_to = m.employee_id
group by m.employee_id
order by employee_id
1757. Recyclable and Low Fat Products
select product_id
from Products
where low_fats='Y' and recyclable='Y'
1741. Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee
select event_day as day, emp_id, sum(out_time-in_time) as total_time
from Employees
group by day, emp_id
177. Nth Highest Salary
- 传入的参数要更改必须要事先SET…;
- limit xx, offset xx
- distinct可返回Null
CREATE FUNCTION getNthHighestSalary(N INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN SET N=N-1; RETURN ( # Write your MySQL query statement below. select distinct Salary from Employee order by Salary desc limit 1 offset N ); END
178. Rank Scores
- 一个分数的名次:就是表中>=这个分数的数量
- 对自己的表:找>=当前分数的分数,count之
- window funciton: dense_rank()
select s.Score,
(select count(distinct t.Score)
from Scores t
where s.Score <= t.Score
) as `Rank`
from Scores as s
order by s.Score desc
select Score as 'score',
dense_rank() over(order by Score desc) as 'Rank'
from Scores
order by Score desc
180. Consecutive Numbers
- 自连接3遍:找数字一致,id连续的
select distinct a.Num as ConsecutiveNums
from Logs a
join Logs b on (a.Num = b.Num and a.Id = b.Id - 1)
join Logs c on (b.Num = c.Num and b.Id = c.Id - 1)
select distinct b.Num as ConsecutiveNums
from Logs a, Logs b, Logs c
where a.Id = b.Id-1 and a.Num = b.Num
and c.Id = b.Id+1 and b.Num = c.Num
184. Department Highest Salary
- 自连接:先找本人所在部门最高的工资,再筛选工资=部门最高工资的人
select d.Name as Department, e.Name as Employee, e.Salary from Department d join Employee e on d.Id = e.DepartmentId where e.Salary = ( select Max(salary) from Employee e2 where e2.DepartmentId = e.DepartmentId )
534. Game Play Analysis III
select a.player_id, a.event_date, sum(b.games_played) as games_played_so_far
from Activity a join Activity b
on a.player_id = b.player_id and b.event_date <= a.event_date
GROUP By a.player_id, a.event_date
select player_id, event_date,
sum(games_played) over(partition by player_id order by event_date) as games_played_so_far
from Activity
550. Game Play Analysis IV
- 自连接:找同一个人的后一天【注意left join方便总人数】
- where确保a是第一天
select round(count(b.event_date)/count(a.player_id),2) as fraction from Activity a left join Activity b on a.player_id = b.player_id and DATEDIFF(b.event_date, a.event_date) = 1 where (a.player_id, a.event_date) in ( # 保证a是first date select player_id, min(event_date) from Activity group by player_id )
570. Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports
- 两组关联:非目标组做子查询,目标组用where…in 筛选
select Name from Employee where Id in ( select ManagerId from Employee group by ManagerId having count(Id) >= 5 )
574. Winning Candidate
- 两组关联:非目标组做子查询,目标组用where…筛选
select Name from Candidate where id = ( select CandidateId from Vote group by CandidateId order by count(id) desc limit 1 )
578. Get Highest Answer Rate Question
- 组内找最大:直接order by… limit
- 用sum(if(condition, 1, 0))做标记
select question_id as survey_log from survey_log group by question_id order by sum(if(action = 'answer', 1, 0)) / sum(if(action = 'show', 1, 0)) desc limit 1
580. Count Student Number in Departments
- 保留null 用left join
- null参与计数用ifnull(xxx, 0)
select d.dept_name, ifnull(count(s.student_id), 0) as student_number from department d left join student s on d.dept_id = s.dept_id group by d.dept_name order by student_number desc, d.dept_name
585. Investments in 2016
- 组内找相同特征/不同特征:where + 自连接 a.特征 = b.特征
- 分别用in和not in
select sum(TIV_2016) as TIV_2016 from insurance where PID in ( select a.PID from insurance a, insurance b where a.PID <> b. PID and a.TIV_2015 = b.TIV_2015 ) and PID not in ( select a.PID from insurance a, insurance b where a.PID <> b. PID and a.LAT = b.LAT and a.LON = b.LON )
602. Friend Requests II: Who Has the Most Friends
- 需要union两组数据:他申请的朋友 + 接受他的朋友
- 注意使用Union all: 允许重复数据
select id, count(*) as num from ( select requester_id as id from request_accepted UNION ALL select accepter_id as id from request_accepted ) t group by id order by num desc limit 1
608. Tree Node
- 定义组别,case when
select id, case when p_id is null then 'Root' when id in (select distinct p_id from tree) then 'Inner' else 'Leaf' end as Type from tree order by id
612. Shortest Distance in a Plane
- 所有可能性:找所有点之间距离 cross join
- 排除同一点
- sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)
select round( sqrt(min(pow(a.x-b.x,2) + pow( a.y - b.y,2))), 2) as shortest from point_2d a cross join point_2d b where a.x != b.x or a.y != b.y
614. Second Degree Follower
- 两组join,注意列名比较疑惑
- 必须用distinct
select a.followee as follower, count(distinct a.follower) as num from follow a join follow b on a.followee = b.follower group by a.followee order by a.followee
626. Exchange Seats
- 直接改id:偶数-1,奇数加1 -> if
- 奇数且最后一行:不动 -> 需要计算总数
select if(a.id % 2=1 and a.id = total, a.id, if(a.id%2 =1, a.id + 1, a.id - 1)) as id, student from seat a, (select count(*) as total from seat) b order by id
1045. Customers Who Bought All Products
- group by之后,保证产品数量相等
select customer_id from Customer group by customer_id having count(distinct product_key) = (select count(distinct product_key) from Product)
1070. Product Sales Analysis III
- 把product_id, year联合起来找符合条件的
select product_id, year as first_year, quantity, price from Sales where (product_id, year) in (select product_id, min(year) from Sales group by product_id )
1077. Project Employees III
- project_id, experience_years联合起来找符合条件的
select p.project_id, p.employee_id from Project p join Employee e on p.employee_id = e.employee_id where (p.project_id,e.experience_years) in (select p.project_id, max(e.experience_years) from Project p join Employee e on p.employee_id = e.employee_id group by project_id )
1098. Unpopular Books
- 注意left join,没有销量的书也算
- 基于(多个条件)join
SELECT b.book_id, b.name from books b left JOIN orders o ON (b.book_id = o.book_id AND o.dispatch_date BETWEEN DATE('2018-06-23') AND DATE('2019-06-23')) WHERE b.available_from <= DATE('2019-05-23') GROUP BY b.book_id HAVING ifnull(sum(o.quantity),0) < 10
1107. New Users Daily Count
- 子查询先找到符合条件的user_id, login_date,再做筛选
select login_date, count(user_id) as user_count from (select user_id, min(activity_date) as login_date from Traffic where activity = 'login' group by user_id ) t where DATEDIFF('2019-06-30', login_date) <=90 group by login_date
1112. Highest Grade For Each Student
- 子查询找到每个人的最高分
- 再用(id, grade)联合做筛选
select student_id, min(course_id) as course_id, grade from Enrollments where (student_id, grade) in (select student_id, max(grade) from Enrollments group by student_id ) group by student_id order by student_id
1126. Active Businesses
- 复杂聚合问题:将聚合指标作为一个表与主表join -> 相当于多出一列
select e.business_id from Events e join (select event_type, avg(occurences) as avg_occ from Events group by event_type ) t on e.event_type = t.event_type and e.occurences > t.avg_occ group by e.business_id having count(*)>1
1132. Reported Posts II
- 复杂聚合问题:from + 单独算每一天的proprorion作为一个表
- 主表对proportion求平均
select round(avg(proportion) * 100, 2) as average_daily_percent from (select a.action_date, count(distinct r.post_id)/ count(distinct a.post_id) as proportion from Actions a left join Removals r on a.post_id = r.post_id where a.extra = 'spam' group by a.action_date ) t
1149. Article Views II
- 注意article,viewer取distinct
select distinct viewer_id as id from Views group by viewer_id, view_date having count(distinct article_id) > 1
1158. Market Analysis I
- 保留null值,left join
select u.user_id as buyer_id, u.join_date as join_date, ifnull(count(o.order_id),0) as orders_in_2019
from Users u left join Orders o # 保留Null值
on u.user_id = o.buyer_id and year(o.order_date) = '2019' # 双重join条件
group by u.user_id
1164. Product Price at a Given Date
- 两种情况union起来
- 2019-08-16之前改过价格,使用最大日期的价格
- 2019-08-16之前没有改过价格,价格为10
with temp as (
select *
from Products
where (product_id, change_date) in
(select product_id, max(change_date)
from Products
where change_date <= '2019-08-16'
group by product_id
select product_id, new_price as price
from temp
select distinct product_id, 10 as price
from Products
where product_id not in (
select product_id from temp
1174. Immediate Food Delivery II
- 复杂聚合:单独做表对数据做标记
select round(sum(label) / count(customer_id)*100, 2)
as immediate_percentage
from (
select customer_id, if(min(order_date)=min(customer_pref_delivery_date), 1, 0) as label
from Delivery
group by customer_id
) t
1193. Monthly Transactions I
- 聚合中使用if做标记
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_date, '%Y-%m') as month, country, count(id) as trans_count, sum(if(state = 'approved', 1, 0)) as approved_count,sum(amount) as trans_total_amount,sum(if(state='approved', amount, 0)) as approved_total_amount from Transactions group by month, country
1204. Last Person to Fit in the Elevator
- window function写running total: sum(…) over (order by …)
select person_name from (select person_name, sum(weight) over(order by turn) as running_total from queue ) t where running_total<= 1000 order by running_total desc # 找最后一个人 limit 1
1205. Monthly Transactions II
- 把transactions部分和chargeback部分union起来造一个表
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_date, '%Y-%m') as month, country, sum(if(state ='approved',1,0)) as approved_count, sum(if(state ='approved',amount,0)) as approved_amount, sum(if(state = 'chargeback', 1,0)) as chargeback_count, sum(if(state = 'chargeback',amount,0)) as chargeback_amount from (select * from Transactions where state = 'approved' union select t.id, t.country, 'chargeback',t.amount,c.trans_date from Transactions t join Chargebacks c on t.id = c.trans_id) temp group by date_format(trans_date, '%Y-%m'), country
1212. Team Scores in Football Tournament
- 先找主场得分 Union ALL 客场得分, right join 队名
select t.team_id as team_id, t.team_name, ifnull(sum(a.points),0) as num_points from (select host_team as team, sum(case when host_goals > guest_goals then 3 when host_goals = guest_goals then 1 else 0 end) as points from Matches group by host_team union all select guest_team as team, sum(case when host_goals > guest_goals then 0 when host_goals = guest_goals then 1 else 3 end) as points from Matches group by guest_team ) a right join Teams t on a.team = t.team_id group by t.team_id order by num_points desc, team_id
1264. Page Recommendations
- 某人的朋友-> 朋友喜欢的 -> not in自己喜欢的
select distinct l.page_id as recommended_page from (select user2_id as friend from Friendship where user1_id = 1 union select user1_id as friend from Friendship where user2_id = 1) a join Likes l on a.friend = l.user_id where l.page_id not in (select page_id from Likes where user_id = 1 )
1270. All People Report to the Given Manager
- 用left join找上一层经理
- 第三层manage_id = 1
select a.employee_id from Employees a left join Employees b on a.manager_id = b.employee_id left join Employees c on b.manager_id = c.employee_id where c.manager_id = 1 and a.employee_id != 1
1285. Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges
- 一串连续数字,跟row number的差值是一致的
- 用window function计算与row_number()的差值,作为依据分组,找min, max
select min(log_id) as start_id, max(log_id) as end_id from (select log_id, (log_id - row_number() over (order by log_id)) as diff from Logs ) t group by t.diff
1308. Running Total for Different Genders
- window function: sum() over (partition by xxx order by xxx)
select gender, day, sum(score_points) over (partition by gender order by day) as total from Scores group by gender, day order by gender, day
1321. Restaurant Growth
- 先找每天收入
- window function前6天之和:sum(amount) over(order by visited_on rows 6 preceding)
- 剔除不足6天的
select * from ( select visited_on, sum(amount) over(order by visited_on rows 6 preceding) amount, # 当前+前6天总和 round(avg(amount) over(order by visited_on rows 6 preceding),2) average_amount from ( # 先计算每一天的amount select visited_on, sum(amount) amount from Customer group by visited_on ) t ) temp where DATEDIFF(visited_on,(select min(visited_on) from Customer)) >=6 # 去除前5天 order by visited_on
1341. Movie Rating
- 分别找答案,Union all在一起
(select u.name as results from Users u join Movie_Rating mr on u.user_id = mr.user_id group by mr.user_id order by count(mr.movie_id) desc, u.name limit 1) union all (select m.title as results from Movies m join Movie_Rating mr on m.movie_id = mr.movie_id where Year(mr.created_at) = 2020 and month(mr.created_at) = 2 group by mr.movie_id order by avg(mr.rating) desc, m.title limit 1)
1355. Activity Participants
- 掐头去尾
select a.name as activity
from Activities a left join Friends f
on a.name = f.activity
group by f.activity
having count(f.id) != (select count(id) from Friends group by activity order by count(id) desc limit 1)
and count(f.id) != (select count(id) from Friends group by activity order by count(id) limit 1)
1364. Number of Trusted Contacts of a Customer
- 掐头去尾
select i.invoice_id, c.customer_name, i.price,
count(distinct contact_name) as 'contacts_cnt',
sum(if(contact_name in (select customer_name from Customers), 1,0)) as 'trusted_contacts_cnt'
from Invoices i
join Customers c
on i.user_id = c.customer_id
left join Contacts o
on c.customer_id = o.user_id
group by i.invoice_id, c.customer_name, i.price
order by i.invoice_id
1393. Capital Gain/Loss
- Sell价格总和-Buy价格总和
select stock_name, sum(if(operation='Sell', price, 0)) - sum(if(operation='Buy', price, 0))
as capital_gain_loss
from Stocks
group by stock_name
1398. Customers Who Bought Products A and B but Not C
select customer_id, customer_name
from Customers
where customer_id in
(select customer_id
from Orders
where product_name = 'A'
and customer_id in
(select customer_id
from Orders
where product_name = 'B'
and customer_id not in
(select customer_id
from Orders
where product_name = 'C'
1421. NPV Queries
select q.id, q.year, ifnull(n.npv, 0) as npv
from Queries q left join NPV n
on q.id = n.id and q.year = n.year
1440. Evaluate Boolean Expression
- case when找出true的情况,其它为false
select e.*,
when operator = '=' and v1.value = v2.value then 'true'
when operator = '<' and v1.value < v2.value then 'true'
when operator = '>' and v1.value > v2.value then 'true'
else 'false'
end as value
from Expressions e, Variables v1, Variables v2
where e.left_operand = v1.name
and e.right_operand = v2.name
1445. Apples & Oranges
- 区分apple, orange -> sold_num * 1 or -1
select sale_date, sum(adjusted_num) as diff
from (
select sale_date, if(fruit='apples', sold_num*1, sold_num*(-1)) as adjusted_num
from Sales
group by sale_date
order by sale_date
1454. Active Users
- 使用dense_rank()针对每个id的login_date排名 -> 连续的情形下:login_date - rank值是一样的
- group by ID,login_date - rank -> 找count>=5的人
- 注意count日期要用distinct避免重复日期
with temp as (
select id, login_date,
dense_rank() over(partition by id order by login_date) as day_rank
from Logins
select distinct t.id, a.name
from temp t join Accounts a
on t.id = a.id
group by t.id, DATE_SUB(t.login_date,interval t.day_rank day)
having count(distinct t.login_date) >= 5 # 有同天多次登录
1459. Rectangles Area
- 自连接
- 条件:a.id < b.id, a.x_value != b.x_value, a.y_value != b.y_value
select a.id as p1, b.id as p2, abs(a.x_value - b.x_value)*abs(a.y_value - b.y_value) as area
from Points a, Points b
where a.id < b.id
and a.x_value != b.x_value
and a.y_value != b.y_value
order by area desc, p1, p2
1468. Calculate Salaries
- 先算税率
with temp as
( select company_id,
when max(salary) < 1000 then 0
when max(salary) <= 10000 then 0.24
when max(salary) > 10000 then 0.49
end as tax_rate
from Salaries
group by company_id
select s.company_id, s.employee_id, s.employee_name,
round(s.salary * (1-t.tax_rate),0) as salary
from Salaries s left join temp t
on s.company_id = t.company_id
1501. Countries You Can Safely Invest In
- 打进或打出都算 call_id or callee_id属于某个国家
- substring(xx, start, length)
select cc.name as country
from Calls c, Person p, Country cc
where (p.id=c.caller_id or p.id=c.callee_id)
and cc.country_code=substring(p.phone_number,1,3)
group by cc.name
having avg(c.duration)>(select avg(duration) from Calls)
1532. The Most Recent Three Orders
- CTE:rank()
- 筛选rank <= 3
with temp as
( select customer_id, order_id, order_date,
rank() over (partition by customer_id order by order_date desc) as o_rank
from Orders
select c.name as customer_name, t.customer_id, t.order_id, t.order_date
from Customers c join temp t
on c.customer_id = t.customer_id
where t.o_rank <= 3
order by customer_name, t.customer_id, t.order_date desc
1549. The Most Recent Orders for Each Product
- CTE:rank()
with temp as
( select product_id, order_id, order_date, rank() over (partition by product_id order by order_date desc) as p_rank
from Orders
select p.product_name, t.product_id, t.order_id, t.order_date
from Products p join temp t
on p.product_id = t.product_id
where t.p_rank = 1
order by p.product_name, t.product_id, order_id
1555. Bank Account Summary
- 花出的钱 + 收到的钱 -> CTE算出Amount
- 再考虑credit问题
with temp as
(select user_id, sum(amount) as balance from
(select paid_by as user_id, -1*amount as amount
from Transactions
union all
select paid_to as user_id, amount
from Transactions
) c
group by user_id
select u.user_id, u.user_name,u.credit + ifnull(t.balance, 0) as credit,
if(u.credit + ifnull(t.balance, 0) < 0, 'Yes', 'No') as credit_limit_breached
from Users u left join temp t
on u.user_id = t.user_id
1596. The Most Frequently Ordered Products for Each Customer
- CTE找分类rank
# CTE找到每个顾客买的东西 rank
with temp as
(select customer_id,
rank() over(partition by customer_id order by count(order_id) desc) as p_rank
from Orders
group by customer_id, product_id
# 找rank 1的product name
select t.customer_id, t.product_id, p.product_name
from temp t join Products p
on t.product_id = p.product_id
where t.p_rank = 1
1613. Find the Missing IDs
- Recursive CTE生成连续数字
# recursive CTE生成1到100的连续数字
with recursive cte as (
select 1 as value union all select value + 1 from cte where value < 100
select value as ids
from cte
where value not in
(select customer_id from Customers)
and value < (select max(customer_id) from Customers)
1699. Number of Calls Between Two Persons
with temp as (
case when from_id < to_id then from_id else to_id end as person1,
case when from_id < to_id then to_id else from_id end as person2,
from Calls
select person1, person2, count(*) as call_count, sum(duration) as total_duration
from temp
group by person1,person2
1709. Biggest Window Between Visits
- lead function找window
with temp as (
ifnull( lead(visit_date) over(partition by user_id order by visit_date), '2021-1-1'))) as visit_window
from UserVisits
select user_id, max(visit_window) as biggest_window
from temp
group by user_id
order by user_id
1715. Count Apples and Oranges
select sum(b.apple_count + ifnull(c.apple_count,0)) as apple_count,
sum(b.orange_count + ifnull(c.orange_count,0)) as orange_count
from Boxes b left join Chests c
on b.chest_id = c.chest_id
1747. Leetflex Banned Accounts
select distinct a.account_id
from LogInfo a, LogInfo b
where a.account_id = b.account_id
and a.ip_address != b.ip_address
and b.login between a.login and a.logout
185. Department Top Three Salaries
- CTE: dense_rank()
with temp as
( select Name, Salary, DepartmentId,
dense_rank() over (partition by DepartmentId order by Salary desc) as s_rank
from Employee
select d.Name as Department, t.Name as Employee, t.Salary
from Department d left join temp t
on d.Id = t.DepartmentId
where t.s_rank <= 3
262. Trips and Users
- 日期 between ‘xxx’ and ‘xxx’
with temp as
( select Id, Status, Request_at
from Trips
where Client_id not in
(select Users_Id from Users
where Role='client' and Banned='Yes'
and Driver_id not in
(select Users_Id from Users
where Role='driver' and Banned='Yes'
and Request_at between '2013-10-01' and '2013-10-03'
select Request_at as Day,round(sum(if(Status != 'completed', 1, 0))/count(Id),2) as `Cancellation Rate`
from temp
group by Request_at
569. Median Employee Salary
- window function:用row_number找每个公司排序,用count找每个公司count
- count为奇数,找中间那个数;count为偶数,找中间两个数
with temp as
( select *,
row_number() over(partition by Company order by Salary) as s_rank,#用row_number不要用rank, 否则有跳过的问题
count(*) over(partition by Company) as count
from Employee
select Id, Company, Salary
from temp
where (count%2=1 and s_rank=(count+1)/2) # count为奇数:median为中间那个数
or (count%2=0 and ((s_rank=count/2) or (s_rank=count/2+1))) # count为偶数:median为中间两个数
571. Find Median Given Frequency of Numbers
- window function:找running_total, count
- 注意median定义:一个数或两个数平均 -> 定位所属区间,算avg
with temp as (
select *,
sum(Frequency) over (order by Number) as running_total,
sum(Frequency) over () as count #注意使用window function算总sum的写法
from Numbers
select avg(Number) as median
from temp
where count/2 <= running_total # 定位median落在哪个区间
and count/2 >= running_total - Frequency
579. Find Cumulative Salary of an Employee
- 针对每个人, 每个月计算三个月的running_total:sum() over (…row 2 preceding)
- 去除每个人最近月份
# 针对每个人, 每个月计算三个月的running_total
select Id, Month,
sum(Salary) over(partition by Id order by Month rows 2 preceding ) as Salary
from Employee
where (Id, Month) not in # 去除每个人最近的那个月份
(select Id, max(Month)
from Employee
group by Id
order by Id, Month desc
601. Human Traffic of Stadium
- id - row_number() over (order by id) as diff
- group by diff找连续数字组
with temp as(
select id, visit_date, people,
id - row_number() over(order by id) as diff
from Stadium
where people >= 100
select id, visit_date, people
from temp
where diff in ( # 不能直接group否则得不到组内详细信息
select diff from temp
group by diff
having count(*) >= 3
615. Average Salary: Departments VS Company
- avg() over (partition by…) 算公司avg和部门avg
- 注意这里日期必须用distinct
with temp as(
select distinct DATE_FORMAT(s.pay_date,'%Y-%m') as pay_month,
avg(s.amount) over (partition by DATE_FORMAT(s.pay_date,'%Y-%m')) as avg_com,
avg(s.amount) over (partition by e.department_id, DATE_FORMAT(s.pay_date,'%Y-%m')) as avg_depart
from salary s join employee e
on s.employee_id = e.employee_id
select pay_month, department_id,
when avg_depart = avg_com then 'same'
when avg_depart > avg_com then 'higher'
else 'lower' end as comparison
from temp
618. Students Report By Geography
with temp as
( select
case when continent = 'America' then name end as 'America',
case when continent = 'Europe' then name end as 'Europe',
case when continent = 'Asia' then name end as 'Asia',
row_number() over(partition by continent order by name) as name_rk # name 内部排序用于安排name的行
from student
select max(America) as America, max(Asia) as Asia, max(Europe) as Europe #max去除null
FROM temp
GROUP BY name_rk
1097. Game Play Analysis V
- 先找install date
- count install date -> installs/ 分母
- count 同一人 & 后一天 -> 分子
with temp as(
select player_id,
min(event_date) as install_dt
from Activity
group by player_id
# count install_date -> installs 分母
# 找player_id, login_date + 1 -> 分子
select t.install_dt,
count(t.player_id) as installs,
round(count(a.event_date) / count(t.player_id),2) as Day1_retention
from temp t left join Activity a
on t.player_id = a. player_id
and DATE_ADD(t.install_dt, interval 1 day) = a.event_date
group by install_dt
order by install_dt
1127. User Purchase Platform
- 针对每人/每天:mobile/ desktop的总量进行统计
- 分别统计total_amount, total_user -> Union all
# 针对每人/每天:mobile/ desktop的总量进行统计
with temp as(
select user_id, spend_date,
sum(if(platform='mobile', amount, 0)) as mobile_amount,
sum(if(platform='desktop', amount, 0)) as desktop_amount
from Spending
group by user_id, spend_date
select spend_date, 'desktop' as platform,
sum(if(desktop_amount>0 and mobile_amount=0,desktop_amount,0)) as total_amount, # desktop only
sum(if(desktop_amount>0 and mobile_amount=0,1,0)) as total_users
from temp
group by spend_date
union all
select spend_date, 'mobile' as platform,
sum(if(desktop_amount=0 and mobile_amount>0,mobile_amount,0)) as total_amount, # mobile only
sum(if(desktop_amount=0 and mobile_amount>0,1,0)) as total_users
from temp
group by spend_date
union all
select spend_date, 'both' as platform,
sum(if(desktop_amount>0 and mobile_amount>0,mobile_amount+desktop_amount,0)) as total_amount, # both
sum(if(desktop_amount>0 and mobile_amount>0,1,0)) as total_users
from temp
group by spend_date
1159. Market Analysis II
- 先找到second item的品牌
with temp as(
select o.seller_id, i.item_brand,
rank() over (partition by seller_id order by order_date) as item_rank
from Orders o join Items i
on o.item_id = i.item_id
select u.user_id as seller_id,
if(u.favorite_brand = t.item_brand,'yes', 'no') as '2nd_item_fav_brand'
from Users u left join
select seller_id, item_brand
from temp
where item_rank = 2
) t
on u.user_id = t.seller_id
1194. Tournament Winners
- 先找到所有人得分
- 再找每组排名第一的
with temp as(
select player, sum(scores) as scores
(select first_player as player, first_score as scores
from Matches
union all
select second_player as player, second_score as scores
from Matches) c
group by player
select group_id, player_id
(select p.group_id,p.player_id,
rank() over(partition by p.group_id order by t.scores desc,player_id) as score_rank
from temp t right join Players p
on t.player = p.player_id
) t
where score_rank = 1
1194. Tournament Winners
- 先找到所有人得分
- 再找每组排名第一的
with temp as(
select player, sum(scores) as scores
(select first_player as player, first_score as scores
from Matches
union all
select second_player as player, second_score as scores
from Matches) c
group by player
select group_id, player_id
(select p.group_id,p.player_id,
rank() over(partition by p.group_id order by t.scores desc,player_id) as score_rank
from temp t right join Players p
on t.player = p.player_id
) t
where score_rank = 1
1225. Report Contiguous Dates
- 取连续日趋:DAYOFYEAR(success_date) - row_number() over (order by success_date) as diff_dt -> group by
- 注意用DAYOFYEAR,否则月份断开
with temp as(
select 'succeeded' as state, success_date as event_dt,
DAYOFYEAR(success_date) - row_number() over (order by success_date) as diff_dt
from succeeded
where success_date between '2019-01-01' and '2019-12-31'
union all
select 'failed' as state, fail_date as event_dt,
DAYOFYEAR(fail_date) - row_number() over (order by fail_date) as diff_dt
from failed
where fail_date between '2019-01-01' and '2019-12-31'
select state as period_state, min(event_dt) as start_date, max(event_dt) as end_date
from temp
group by state, diff_dt
order by start_date
1336. Number of Transactions per Visit
- 多个CTE with recursive写前面,即便不是所有CTE都是recursive
# 计算每人每次visit的transaction count
with recursive a as (
select v.user_id, v.visit_date,
if(t.transaction_date is null, 0, count(t.transaction_date)) as transactions_count
from Visits v left join Transactions t
on v.user_id = t.user_id
and v.visit_date = t.transaction_date
group by v.user_id, v.visit_date
# 计算相应transaction count的count
b as(
select transactions_count, count(*) as visits_count
from a
group by transactions_count
# recursive CTE:生成0~n的连续数字
c as (
select 0 as transactions_count
union all
select transactions_count + 1 from c where transactions_count <
(select max(transactions_count) from b)
select c.transactions_count, ifnull(b.visits_count, 0) as visits_count
from c left join b
on c.transactions_count =b.transactions_count
1369. Get the Second Most Recent Activity
with temp as
select * ,
rank() over (partition by username order by startDate desc) as activity_rank,
count(activity) over (partition by username) as count_activity
from UserActivity
select username, activity, startDate, endDate
from temp
where count_activity=1 or activity_rank = 2
1384. Total Sales Amount by Year
# 生成所有年份的start_date, end_date
WITH recursive yearsAll
AS (SELECT (select year(min(period_start)) from Sales) AS years -- anchor member
,(select concat(years, '-01-01')) AS startDate
,(select concat(years, '-12-31')) AS endDate
SELECT years + 1 -- recursive member
,(select concat(years + 1, '-01-01')) AS startDate
,(select concat(years + 1, '-12-31')) AS endDate
FROM yearsAll
WHERE years <= (select year(max(period_end)) from Sales) -- terminator
SELECT s.product_id,p.product_name,cast(y.years as char) as report_year,
when year(s.period_start) = year(s.period_end) then datediff(s.period_end,s.period_start) + 1 #用一年内找range:end-start+1
else (case when year(s.period_start) = y.years then datediff(y.endDate,s.period_start) + 1 # start/end跨年
when year(s.period_end) = y.years then datediff(s.period_end,y.startDate) + 1
else dayofyear(endDate) end) end) * s.average_daily_sales) as total_amount
FROM Sales s
inner join Product p on s.product_id = p.product_id
inner join yearsAll y on y.years between year(s.period_start) and year(s.period_end)
order by product_id,report_year
1412. Find the Quiet Students in All Exams
- 正序rank一遍,倒序rank一遍
- 排除掉rank=1的学生
# 生成所有年份的start_date, end_date
WITH recursive yearsAll
AS (SELECT (select year(min(period_start)) from Sales) AS years -- anchor member
,(select concat(years, '-01-01')) AS startDate
,(select concat(years, '-12-31')) AS endDate
SELECT years + 1 -- recursive member
,(select concat(years + 1, '-01-01')) AS startDate
,(select concat(years + 1, '-12-31')) AS endDate
FROM yearsAll
WHERE years <= (select year(max(period_end)) from Sales) -- terminator
SELECT s.product_id,p.product_name,cast(y.years as char) as report_year,
when year(s.period_start) = year(s.period_end) then datediff(s.period_end,s.period_start) + 1 #用一年内找range:end-start+1
else (case when year(s.period_start) = y.years then datediff(y.endDate,s.period_start) + 1 # start/end跨年
when year(s.period_end) = y.years then datediff(s.period_end,y.startDate) + 1
else dayofyear(endDate) end) end) * s.average_daily_sales) as total_amount
FROM Sales s
inner join Product p on s.product_id = p.product_id
inner join yearsAll y on y.years between year(s.period_start) and year(s.period_end)
order by product_id,report_year
1479. Sales by Day of the Week
- CTE先取出每天每个类别的数量 dayname()
- 再分成多列
# 每天每个类别的数量
with temp as(
select dayname(o.order_date) as day, #使用dayname取day of week
sum(o.quantity) as quant,
i.item_category as category
from Items i left join Orders o
on i.item_id = o.item_id
group by day, i.item_category
sum(if(day = 'Monday', quant,0)) as Monday,
sum(if(day = 'Tuesday', quant,0)) as Tuesday,
sum(if(day = 'Wednesday', quant,0)) as Wednesday,
sum(if(day = 'Thursday', quant,0)) as Thursday,
sum(if(day = 'Friday', quant,0)) as Friday,
sum(if(day = 'Saturday', quant,0)) as Saturday,
sum(if(day = 'Sunday', quant,0)) as Sunday
from temp
group by category
order by category