227-Basic Calculator II


Given a string s which represents an expression, evaluate this expression and return its value. The integer division should truncate toward zero.

Example 1:
Input: s = "3+2*2"
Output: 7

Example 2:
Input: s = " 3/2 "
Output: 1

Example 3:
Input: s = " 3+5 / 2 "
Output: 5


  • 栈:压栈匹配 + 数学运算
class Solution(object):
    def calculate(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: int
        res = 0
        num = 0
        stack = []
        sign = '+'
        s = s.replace(' ','')
        for i in range(len(s)):
            # 提取当前数字
            if s[i].isdigit():
                num = num*10 + int(s[i])
            if (not s[i].isdigit() ) or i==len(s)-1: #遇到符号,处理当前数字
                if sign =='+': stack.append(num)
                elif sign =='-': stack.append(num*(-1))
                elif sign =='*': stack.append(num *(stack.pop())) # 乘法先运算在push
                elif sign =='/': stack.append(int(float(stack.pop())/float(num)))
                sign = s[i] # 更新当前符号
                num = 0
        # 对stack中进行加法运算
        for i in stack: 
            res += i
        return res


  • Time: O(n)
  • Space: O(n)

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